How to activate Payoneer MasterCard?

9:07 AM

How to activate Payoneer MasterCard?

Payoneer, globally accepted debit MasterCard is free of cost. You can apply for the MasterCard for free and have to wait around 45 days to receive it. The time it takes to reach to you depends upon the postal service of the country.
After receiving the card you need to activate it before using it. So, in this tutorial I will guide you 

How to activate Payoneer MasterCard?

If you are still looking for ordering Payoneer Debit MasterCard, follow How to order Payoneer MasterCard?

Login to your payoneer account with the username and password that you used to create Payoneer account.
Once you login CLICK ON ACTIVATE

(Click on Global Payment service to see your banking details.)
Once you click on activate you will be prompted in this page 

Now enter 16 digit card number in your card.
Select 4-digit pin (Pin that you will use to withdraw cash from ATM with the card)
Check on I agree to the Cookies Policy and click Activate.

Hurray your Debit MasterCard is activated.

Once you activate your card, you have to do two more things that is uploading your government issued card (the details in the card that you upload and details that you filled while ordering the card should match) and answer a question.


If you want to change any of your detail than click on setting and you can change the details.
Now your Payoneer MasterCard is ready for use. You can accept almost all kind of payment including Google AdSense and buy almost all kind of goods with the help of the card from online store.

If you don’t have a card and want it than Follow this link 

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