how to control diabetes naturally at home
2:51 AMWelcome to my another blog of Learn with masters. In this blog I am going to focus on Diabetes, it's symptoms and some remedies to control it naturally.
Diabetes is one of the most common health disorder problem seen in today's world. Due to unhealthy life style of the people this is common now days. Diabetes is simply related to increase in blood sugar level. So, the most common solution for this is to control the amount of sugar in the blood.
Here in this tutorial in learnwithmasters I'm going to focus on some of the Ayurvedic methods of controlling sugar level in the blood.
Main Symptoms of Diabetes
Top 5 Home remedy to control Diabetes just in 15 days
Holy Basil (Tulshi Leaves)
Tulshi leaves are taken as the effective method of controlling Diabetes. This plant is worshiped as a holy plant in Hindu culture and in addition to this this plant have got great benefits. Taking 4-5 pieces of leaves daily early in the morning mixed with tea or without tea helps to control diabetes to large extent.
Green Tea
Taking green tea early in the morning or before meal is good in controlling sugar level in your blood.
Bitter Gourd
Taking bitter gourd with meal in alternate days is also considered as another home remedy of controlling diabetes. But if you have got low blood pressure you should control using bitter gourd as it helps to lower the blood pressure.
Juice of Neem
Neem is another herbal plant found abundantly in Southern Asia and especially in Nepal and India is one of the most important herbal plant. The juice made from the Neem help to control the sugar level of the blood.
Yoga is found to be most effective method of controlling different kind of diseases. Most of the diseases now are due to our unhealthy and unroutinized life style. So, good posture of Yoga help to control the diabetes.
Following the above procedures will help you to control the diabetes.
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